COVID-19 Facilities update
- Details
- Created on Tuesday, 29 September 2020 20:27
We would like to thank you for your ongoing support and feedback relating to the Government imposed restrictions and the effects on the facilities of Harrington Grove. The Executive Committee have put in place a plan to accommodate residents who wish to access these facilities whilst ensuring that all COVID -19 restrictions are managed and enforced across all sites.
The Community Association is pleased to announce that the OUTDOOR facilities at the Magnolia and Michelia Clubs will be opening from Saturday 26th September. Due to COVID the opening of these facilities comes with restrictions and measures in place to ensure all regulations are followed.
What is going to change:
Opening times will be in place throughout the upcoming holidays on a trial basis and will be monitored and reviewed as necessary. At the conclusion of the school holiday period, opening times will be adjusted and will be based on data and the process trialled throughout the holiday period.
Magnolia Club - 10am – 5pm
Michelia Club - 10.30am – 5pm
Harrington Grove Country Club remains the same 8.30am – 9pm
Harrington Grove Country Club Pool - 9am – 5pm
By signing in and attending the facilities you agree to the following, be aware you may be asked to leave for not complying.
You do not have any illness OR cold/flu symptoms
You have not come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19
You must adhere to all social distancing requests
You will sanitise your hands before entering.
You have not travelled overseas or come into contact with anyone who has travelled overseas.
Pool bookings will be implemented for 1-hour periods, bookings will be one per person. The Grovelife system is being updated and will be available on Wednesday 23rd September. Bookings are for residents only whilst numbers are restricted.
BBQ bookings will be limited to 2-hour period at Magnolia and Michelia clubs and 3 hours at the Country Club. Bookings at Magnolia and Michelia will be residents only whilst numbers are restricted.
All residents are required to sign in via the QR code when attending the facilities to ensure that contact tracing is accurate and available should the NSW Government require, this information is kept on file for 28 days as required and then disposed of.
Cleaning will take place regularly throughout the day to all touch areas. Our contract cleaners will be in nightly to complete a detailed clean of the bathrooms and all touch points.
Security will be onsite to manage the contact tracing register and to ensure all COVID regulations are followed.
A ZERO tolerance policy will be strictly followed, any residents seen not adhering to social distancing, booking times or being abusive to staff or contractors will be asked to leave the premises and suspension of use of facilities will apply.
The COVID NSW website is monitored daily and as restrictions change so will the procedures put in place. The above has been put in place to protect the health of the community and safeguard against potential fines of up to $55,000.00 per club or venue. This has the potential to impact the community budget by $165,000.00 should fines be imposed.
HLS and the Community Association thank you for your understanding and support on this matter.