Current Covid Facilities Update
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- Created on Friday, 08 October 2021 12:36
We are pleased to advise you that the Country Club facilities are opening, and conditions of entry will be changing on Monday, 11th October in line with the NSW COVID health orders.
From Monday, 11th October 2021, eased restrictions will allow those who are fully vaccinated to have:
10-visitor limit in your home
Access Gyms, indoor recreation, and sporting facilities
Group bookings of up to 20 people in hospitality settings.
All premises will operate at 1 person per 4sqm indoors and 1 person per 2sqm outdoors.
People under the age of 16 who are not fully vaccinated are allowed unaccompanied in their workplaces and all outdoor settings, but must be with a fully vaccinated member of their household in hospitality venues (unless collecting takeaways), entertainment facilities, major recreation facilities and places of worship unless they work at the venue.
You must always have proof of your vaccination with you.
You will be asked to show your proof of vaccination.
Fully vaccinated means you have had two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccination or have a medical contraindication certificate issued to you.
You are not prevented from attending more than one such gathering in a day.
If you are not fully vaccinated:
You can exercise outdoors with 1 other person that you do not live with, or your nominated visitor ("singles bubble").
If you live with more than two other people, you can all exercise together.
When engaging in exercise or outdoor recreation, stay within your local government area. If you need to cross into another local Government area you must stay within 5km of your home.
Sourced from NSW on the road to reopening Re-opening starts at 70% vaccination | NSW Government
What this means when using the facilities:
- The Courts / BBQ tables will be available via booking only on the Grovelife portal
- Residents and guests will be required to show proof of vaccination upon request from any staff member
- The Country club gym will be open to FULLY vaccinated residents, from 5am on Monday the 11th of October. For afterhours entry please use your pass via the afterhours side access gate, this will be between the hours 5am- 8.30 Monday – Friday and . ONLY 25 residents will be permitted in the gym at any given time this is in accordance with the public health orders.
- Only the facilities at Harrington Grove Country Club will be open
- Anyone wishing to attend the facility must present to the front reception desk. Here once you display your proof of vaccination, you will be issued a pass which will give you access to the facility you have booked. Residents access cards will not work until the public health orders cease.
- Group fitness classes will be available by BOOKING ONLY. Classes are limited to 20 per class. The gym external doors will be open to allow this number in attendance. Gym classes can be booked under the Upcoming Events section on the Grovelife website.
- The basketball and tennis courts will be available for use of from 6am – 9pm Monday – Friday and 6.30am- 9pm Saturday and Sunday
- Pool bookings at the country club are no longer required
- Bookings are essential and will be for a maximum of 1 hour per booking for all courts
- The Amphitheatre outdoor gym will be available for unvaccinated RESIDENTS only use for exercise. This will be between the hours of 9am and 8.30pm. There will be limited equipment and NO further equipment will be brought out
- The QR code MUST be used to ensure accurate contact tracing requirements are followed
- Unvaccinated residents are not permitted in the indoor gym and if this is noted, you will immediately be removed from site. You will receive up to a six-month exclusion period from all facilities for breaching the public health order and the conditions of entry
We encourage all residents to follow the public health order in place. Please keep in mind the staff at HLS are enforcing a Government health order, not restrictions imposed by HLS or the Community Association. Any abuse or disrespect, will result in removal and up to a six-month exclusion period from all facilities.
We hope that you are all safe and look forward to seeing you all soon.
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